Business Banking

HSAs for Employers

Invest in the Health of Your Employees

In today’s dynamic and competitive business environment, 提供有吸引力的员工福利对任何规模的公司都是至关重要的. 健康储蓄账户(HSAs)已成为一项宝贵的员工福利, 使个人能够免税储蓄和支付合格的医疗费用. 无论您的企业规模如何,使用CCB进行HSAs都可以提供许多独特的优势. As a locally owned and operated bank, carrying the motto “Where Community Counts,“建行提供全面的HSA解决方案,可以帮助您的员工有效地管理医疗费用,同时强调社区的重要性.

建行的用户友好平台简化了雇主和员工的HSA管理. 它与现有的工资和福利管理系统无缝集成, streamlining the HSA process. This local touch ensures that your employees, whether in a small or large business, 是否可以轻松地获得他们的HSA资金,并可以轻松地将其用于合格的医疗费用. In line with our motto, 这种方法通过提供可访问性来增强社区联系, 为员工提供以社区为中心的医疗保健解决方案——一个健康的员工通常是一个快乐和高效的员工!

建行致力于提供一流的客户服务-当您与我们合作时, 你和我们的团队一起工作,就在纽约纽约-没有不知名的面孔在州外的办公室! As a locally owned and operated business, 我们了解我们社区的独特需求,并为雇主和雇员提供个性化的帮助. Our teams guide you through the HSA setup, contributions, and qualified expense reimbursements, 确保您的企业和员工的无缝体验.

无论企业规模大小,HSAs都为雇员和雇主提供显著的税收优惠. 对HSAs的捐款是免税的,减少了雇员的应税收入. 雇主也可以向雇员的HSAs账户免税, making it an attractive addition to your compensation package. This, in turn, supports the economic health of the community.

CCB’s HSAs offer unmatched flexibility and portability. Employees can take their HSA accounts with them if they switch jobs, 确保他们的存款能够支付医疗费用. This flexibility gives your employees peace of mind, regardless of the size of your business, and makes your company an attractive workplace option, reinforcing the idea that community well-being is essential!

CCB provides detailed reporting and analytics, allowing employers to monitor the performance of their HSA program. This data-driven approach helps businesses, no matter their size, make informed decisions about their benefits packages, 更容易根据员工的具体需求调整福利. 这种透明度反映了我们致力于为改善社会提供有价值的见解.

中国建设银行优先遵守联邦法规和安全措施,以保护员工的敏感信息, ensuring data security for businesses of all sizes. 我们遵守法规的承诺确保您员工的HSA资金得到保障, contributing to a secure and resilient community. Your investments are safe with CCB!

使用建行健康储蓄账户的好处适用于各种规模的企业. With our user-friendly platform, exceptional customer service, and tax advantages, we, as a local business, 与您和您的企业合作,了解您的独特需求,并为您的员工提供有价值的利益. Regardless of your business size, 很明显,HSAs是吸引和留住顶尖人才的有力工具,同时帮助员工管理他们的医疗费用. 考虑将建行的HSA计划纳入您的福利计划,为您的员工提供财务保障,并为他们的医疗需求提供安心. In doing so, 你也将支持我们的座右铭:“社区重要的地方。,”,强调我们在服务的各个方面都重视市民的福祉. It’s at the heart of absolutely everything we do.


Ready to get started? 请填写以下表格,与我们会面,并于今天开始与建行建立HSA关系!

Business HSA Inquiry Form

Business Address(Required)